Catching up with Christy Tremblay

Hi friends! It's time to share!

I've been secretly writing a book since last December, and recently started a Blog on my website to document the progress. My first post - Embrace in Place (Coming Soon) - was just added and I’d love for you to follow and share! I am self publishing and that is in itself an adventure! 

The idea for my book first sparked in 2019, while moving for a PCS (Military Move - Permanent Change of Station) to South Korea from Tampa Florida.

The making of this book was in many ways always in progress, throughout my entire journey as a military spouse. My paintings and travel photography became the pages to document each place, and friends I have met along the way add to the words of my story - through their encouragement and presence. The unique details of each location give inspiration to my narrative.

I’d love for you to check out my Blog and Facebook Author Page for more details about my book!


An Interview with Kaitlyn Lake


Catching up with Kimberly Ratliff