Catching up with Emily Ullo Steigler

In the year since I was interviewed on the MispoFAN blog, I have been embracing the European lifestyle, traveling, exploring, and creating new clothes and art.  I have been very lucky to have found a good group of spouse entrepreneurs here and they have been extremely helpful in navigating the bureaucracy of operating a business both on post and in Germany. 

While I certainly have not worked out all the business-related kinks, I’ve been spending a lot of time playing around with new techniques and developing new artistic skills.

  I’ve been doing a lot more quilting, sewing, and textile art than I had time to previously. 

I’ve also been able to attend some sewing workshops and conferences here in Europe that gave me an opportunity to learn from artists from around the globe.  The main focus here in Europe has been harnessing inspiration, taking the time to experiment with my art, and learning new things. 


Catching up with Christy Tremblay


An Interview with Luis Carrasquillo