Connecting military spouses in the arts with each other and their communities

Military Spouse Fine Artists Network (MilspoFAN) is empowering military spouses in the fine arts - including dance, visual arts, fiction, theater, poetry, multimedia art, and more - to promote their work, tell their stories, and grow their artistic networks. The MilspoFAN blog started in 2016 and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers.

Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching Up with Nicole Dufield

I have continued singing at church but that's about it.  Nothing terribly exciting on the music front. Last year my eldest was diagnosed on the autism spectrum last year making for lots of doctors, evaluations, med appointments etc.  This made for an extremely stressful year on top of going back to work full time.  It was a rough year, to say the least.  But thank goodness for therapies, doctors and medicine we have her on the right track and she is blooming wonderfully. 

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching Up with Kat Lanier

This year has been a fun and wild ride! We found out last December that we were expecting! Shortly after, I began suffering from EXTREME morning sickness and by March was formally diagnosed with Hyperemisis. I thankfully was able to continue teaching, thanks to my sweet, patient and understanding students and coworkers. The Army kept my husband away for most of the pregnancy but we were able to have 10 days of uninterrupted leave together right before baby.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching Up with Nancy Murphree Davis

We’ve just passed the one year mark on our chosen retirement location of Pensacola, Florida. My art career has progressed pretty well. I first made some art contacts through the Plein Air Painters of Pensacola. We get together to paint on location one morning every week. My on-location painting hasn’t improved very much, but I appreciate the camaraderie.

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Guest Post Lisa Stice Guest Post Lisa Stice

Catching up with Lisa Stice

I began 2019 by staying in line with my daily poem (or at least editing some poems). I like to keep a steady routine because my mind feels more open and the ideas looser. When I know I’ll be writing, something gets put on the page. Sometimes it’s a keeper; sometimes it goes to the poetry graveyard.

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Guest Post Maria Bennett Hock Guest Post Maria Bennett Hock

Catching up with Maria Bennett Hock

My year has been full of unexpected coincidences...the first of which took place in a Harris Teeter (grocery store) parking lot.  I was walking to my car when I noticed a gold star on the back of a van.  For anyone that doesn’t know the gold star indicates that an immediate family member has been killed in the line of duty.  I thought to myself, I wish the person who owns this car would come out so I could express my sorrow for their loss.

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Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks

Catching up with Carrie Cassidy

Since I last shared with MilSpouse Fine Arts Network, we have had so many changes. We moved our family from North Carolina to New Mexico, which has been a big adjustment. We really enjoy New Mexico: good food, good skiing, and day spas are in abundance. Our little ones took quite a bit of time adjusting, however. It has been a few months and now they seem to be getting into the normal swing of things.

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Artist Interview MilspoFAN Artist Interview MilspoFAN

An Interview with Andria Williams

Navy spouse Andria Williams' novel and stories create communities of freedom and support, and life imitates art in the supportive communities she's built into the Military Spouse Book Review and The Wrath-Bearing Tree. Williams also shares a sneak peek at her latest novel manuscript while being open about some of the sacrifices made when drafting.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Returning to France as a Teaching Artist: Catching up with Roxanne Steed

My first visit to France was as a young Navy wife back in 1988 or 89 as a young J.O.'s wife. There were several of us going over to meet up with our husband's submarine where it was pulling into Brest, France. In the passing years, I've made it back over there 4 times. But this past summer was the best experience I've ever had in my life. I was there for the whole month of June, teaching two back to back art workshops.

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Artist Interview Korey Rowswell Artist Interview Korey Rowswell

An Interview with Alexa Bonney

Experiences and new environments shape our views, inwardly and outwardly. Air Force spouse Alexa Bonney uses art to open up dialogs about her evolving viewpoints. In the MilspoFAN July 2019 interview, Alexa discusses how changed perceptions, culture, history, and symbolism inspire her paintings.

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Artist Interview Korey Rowswell Artist Interview Korey Rowswell

An Interview with Lauren Leiter

For musician / Coast Guard spouse Lauren Leiter, making music runs in her family. Creating songs with others is a way she stays connected and keeps communication flowing even with multiple military moves. Learn more about Lauren and 'Lighter Ray,' her duo with her sister.

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Guest Post Amanda Shields Guest Post Amanda Shields

Catching Up with Photographer Amanda Shields

Since my interview in June 2017 I have unfortunately traveled a lot less. It's so much harder and more expensive in and from the US than Europe, but I try to do local or regional events as they come up, and get out of town if even for a local "stay-cation" for a day or two. I did that this weekend in Colonial Williamsburg, actually.

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Artist Interview MilspoFAN Artist Interview MilspoFAN

An Interview with Meredith Ryncarz

Frequent PCSing often leaves military spouses no option other than putting careers on hold for the short-term or even long-term. Mil spouse photographer Meredith Ryncarz has developed a way to keep her business going from move to move, with strategies that help her establish new clients/bookings before she has reached the new duty station. With so many mil spouses going through the same career frustrations, Meredith shares these strategies to help other mil spouse creative business owners.

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Guest Post Anna Georges Guest Post Anna Georges

Reflections on Spain: Catching up with Anna George

We are in the process of PCSing back to the States after just under three amazing years in Spain. Here in Spain, I have been able to fulfill my three professional goals I have set for myself when we got here. I have studied bulerias, I have bought a bata de cola (the long skirt we dance with) and I have performed in Spain. Of course, to be a flamenco dancer stationed in Spain seems like a special gift from the Navy Gods That Be.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching Up With Becky Hepinstall Hilliker

Well, the book I’ve been gestating is 3.867% more done than it was last year. But my kids are doing well (I think…who pays attention to such things?) and my laundry-room Woodchuck is thriving. I taught her how to sort lights, darks and delicates. She is my new best friend.

Right now, I’ve got bigger problems than the lack of progress on a novel.

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Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks

#The100 Day Project: Catching up with Elizabeth Hawks

How Different Artists Can Participate in the 100 Day Project The 100 Day Project is a celebration of process that encourages everyone to participate in 100 days of making. It's beautiful in its simplicity and flexibility allowing creators of all disciplines to participate. It produces incredible results, sometimes even life-changing.

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