Connecting military spouses in the arts with each other and their communities

Military Spouse Fine Artists Network (MilspoFAN) is empowering military spouses in the fine arts - including dance, visual arts, fiction, theater, poetry, multimedia art, and more - to promote their work, tell their stories, and grow their artistic networks. The MilspoFAN blog started in 2016 and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers.

Guest Post Lisa Stice Guest Post Lisa Stice

Catching up with Lisa Stice

Although these last nearly two years have provided little inspiration or motivation to create new poems, the not-writing has given me ample time for editing and organizing what I’d written before.

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Guest Post Atalante Shay Guest Post Atalante Shay

Catching up with Atalante Shay

When the pandemic struck, my entire world turned upside down. At first, it was difficult to adjust to the "new normal.” I had to learn how to make the best of my current situation at home with my entire family—and master the challenge of homeschooling three children with very different needs.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching up with Sidra Hassan-Brown

This past year brought with it both challenges and opportunities. Finding the creative thought to infuse my art with the faces of those around me has been more of a challenge. The isolation of COVID brought with it a lack of seeing the beautiful faces of the people in this world. I miss doing portraits, especially those portraying women of my culture given the recent unfolding of tragedy in Afghanistan. Women’s rights are under direct threat there now more than ever.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching Up with A.C. Williams

Since my last interview, a lot of things have changed. COVID-19 completely shut the business down and my attempts to pivot our services via an online community was not widely accepted as anticipated. However, that time spent at home gave me the momentum needed to spring forward into a space I did not foresee for myself or my studio.

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Artist Interview Dr. Kimberlee Bonura Artist Interview Dr. Kimberlee Bonura

An Interview with Kimberlee Bethany Bonura, Ph.D., MFA, E-RYT, CYT

Writer and military spouse Kimberlee Bethany Bonura, Ph.D., MFA, E-RYT, CYT, knew at a young age that she was meant to write. She also learned from her mother that achieving goals in adulthood often requires going against the odds. We, too, can create and thrive in "the shadows of military service," with a whole heck of a lot of determination.

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Guest Post Amanda Shields Guest Post Amanda Shields

Catching up with Amanda Shields

I'm still the Events and Marketing Photographer at The Mariners' Museum and Park. They've kept me around for a year and a half now, so I guess I have successfully fooled them all! MWAHAHAHAHA! (That's supposed to be my sinister laugh) I've learned and grown so much. It's been wonderful to work in an organization that continues to serve and grow throughout hardships.

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Artist Interview MilspoFAN Artist Interview MilspoFAN

An Interview with Erica Hunter

Artist/Coast Guard spouse Erica Hunter's take-your-dreams-by-the-reins-and-enjoy-the-ride attitude is exactly what we all need right now as we go into the summer. If there's an art genre you've been anxious to try, toss aside those hesitations and go for it.

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Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks Guest Post Elizabeth Hawks

Catching up with EB Hawks of Artful Pursuits

"When COVID-19 abruptly upended our lives last year, it separated us from the routine and events that usually root our lives in time — work, school, dates, social outings, sports events, ceremonies, travel, the things we plan for and look forward to. Life tends to be a blur without those anchors," Ruth Ogden concluded after studying people's perceptions of time during lockdown. I can totally relate to those findings, yet despite all of the blurred lines, I've had a few tangible successes in my art career this year.

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Artist Interview MilspoFAN Artist Interview MilspoFAN

An Interview with MJ Willis

How many of us have said, "I wish I could _________" or "It would be totally awesome to ___________" (fill in the blank with your artsy goal)? Well, Air Force spouse MJ Willis is living the dream as a real life rock star. She inspires others to act upon goals that seem too wild to ever come true. Faith, courage, and communication can help make those dreams materialize.

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Guest Post Melissa Hedge Guest Post Melissa Hedge

Catching up with Melissa Hedge

I mentioned that I started my career as an artist just as Covid-19 shut everything down. I was pretty optimistic despite the uncertainty, but shortly after the article was published, it was like someone hit the pause button. I found out a museum exhibition I’d been accepted into was put on hold. Opportunities were slim and I felt like I was sort of coasting along in limbo. For a short time, I did consider setting aside my work. I’m not even sure what triggered it, but one day, I made the conscious decision to go all in and made a plan.

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Guest Post Carre Klewin Lawrence Guest Post Carre Klewin Lawrence

Keeping the Ghost Light On

I don’t know about you all, but as we wait our turn for vaccinations, the boredom and wall-climbing in our house has reached a new level. To shake off some of that boredom, you are all invited to come and view my latest virtual theatre project – Wonder Tales: Fairies, Talking Animals & Magic. It’s an evening of six short plays (I am directing three) presented by Planet Connections Theatre Festivity.

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Guest Post Korey Rowswell Guest Post Korey Rowswell

Catching up with Angela Hunter

A year ago in my interview here on MilSpoFan, I talked about my philosophy of “bloom where you’re planted”, meaning make the most of your location, stage of life or circumstances. This past year has put that philosophy to the test in more ways than one! But even with all the uncertainty, disappointments and changes of this past year, I feel like I’ve been able to bloom. I learned an important lesson about applying something I’ve always known as an artist to my everyday life. In reflecting on this past year, I find hope in these lessons and I pray you do too. 

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