Catching up with Stacy Denny

Wow! I am so honored to have been asked to do an Anniversary Interview for MilspoFAN!!

So much life has happened in the past year since my original interview. Unfortunately, quite a lot of loss, change and adjusting.

 I had lost my favorite person in the world, my Grandma of 95 years young. I owe all of my fiber arts career to her, in fact. She's the one who taught me to crochet, embroidery and sewing techniques. My go to person for everything. We used to enter our county fairs together. This past “Fair Season” was very quiet and sad. In the past we would call multiple times a day for weeks on updates, how we had butterflies of excitement about the items we entered and who won what in each fair category. Such wonderful and loving memories. 

But, through loss, there are creative outlets, I was able to make my largest crochet piece. Which consisted of a full costume suit: BOWSER! From the body suit and shell backpack, to the mask. Was all crochet!! I, of course, had to add glow in the dark yarn, because, why not? 

Among Bowser, I made quite a few newer pieces, a kraken hat with tentacles and all! Also, a very large mushroom hat, which was loved at a local Ren Faire.  

My current creation list keeps growing. I’m nervous, but excited to start making my own crochet patterns! After being asked to make so many items and never being able to find the perfect one, I started tinkering around with new patterns and now in the process of making those public. Among, pattern making, new fantasy hoods and hats are in the works, along with a crochet with me class at the local library and will be creating an online live ( such as Facebook, Twitch or Discord) where fiber artists are able to join and we can crochet or hangout as a group. This last one is quite special, especially for military spouses. We are always on the move and not everyone, everywhere we PCS have the same interests that we share. This is the perfect space for that. Hanging out with your friends, talking about your latest creations, favorite shows/books in a safe space. How fun! 

After a rough start to the year, there was news of PCS, which of course can be extremely unnerving. Never a dull moment.  We ended the year with moving back to Texas from Maryland. My daughters were very happy about the move and have adjusted well and are thriving. Which allows me to expand and start a website for my shop drops this year! With so much happening, I hadn’t been able to properly start a business and attend to it. But this is the year for expansions.  With the interview last year, I had gotten more orders and pages have grown to wonderful new heights. I can’t wait to see what this year will bring! 

You can find Stacy at:

Original MilspoFAN interview:

Naturally Rebellious Crafts & More:


An Interview with Colleen Arnold


Catching up with Jennifer Geletzke