Catching up with Julie Mulvihill

Last August my military family moved to the Netherlands for a three-year assignment—what an adventure! Getting to travel Europe and see amazing sights is an opportunity of a lifetime and Robert, Fox, and Meatball and are making the best of it for sure!

Volunteering at the international school that is central in our community has been a great source of creative activity and joy for me. This past spring, I choreographed the elementary school musical, Seussical Jr and this fall I am choreographing the middle school musical, Cyrano de Burgershack. Both shows are high energy and tons of fun! Being able to contribute to my community, which is multilingual and international, in a way that utilizes my dance and creative skills is immeasurably gratifying. I am looking forward to another show with the elementary school in this coming spring.

My personal practice has expanded to include something I call Dance Walks. My area of the world is breathtakingly beautiful, and I like to walk the trails and the fields that surround my village. When I find a spot that calls to me, I improvise movement in that found space. I have begun filming my impromptu dances to create a performativity to the experiences. Dance Walks have deepened my connection to this area as well my creativity.

Read Julie’s Original 2021 Milspofan Interview here:

Find Julie on the web at :


Catching up with Kimberly Ratliff