Connecting military spouses in the arts with each other and their communities
Military Spouse Fine Artists Network (MilspoFAN) is empowering military spouses in the fine arts - including dance, visual arts, fiction, theater, poetry, multimedia art, and more - to promote their work, tell their stories, and grow their artistic networks. The MilspoFAN blog started in 2016 and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers.
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An Interview with Tiffany Brady
Artist and Air Force spouse Tiffany Brady shares the struggles of having to build a new art community with each PCS. Because finding fellow artists in a new location is challenging, it is important that communities like MilspoFAN exist to give support and aid in networking.
Catching up with CJ Yeats
I like my creature comforts. That is something I become extremely aware of in the months surrounding a move. Since neither my partner nor I enjoy staring down piles of cardboard boxes, we decided we’d get the house put together and feeling cozy as quickly as possible. Our plan worked well. Everything felt better once we had a functional living space again. I spent a week painting my new craft room a deep purple color and getting art hung up on the walls around the house.
An Interview with Marie Martelly
For military spouses who are constantly on the move, finding your place in an artist community can be easier said than done. Painter / collage artist / milspouse Marie Martelly is now back in the U.S. Let's all give her a warm welcome to the MilspoFAN community.
Catching up with Kimberly Ratliff
I'm currently working on my second children's book, which will be about a special weekend with my main character, Seoul and her Halmony. My first book, "Seoul Finds Her Talent," was both written and illustrated by me.
Thoughts on Transitions: Catching up with Krista Litz
I’ve realized that as a military spouse, the journey of an artist becomes a canvas in itself, painted with the colors of change, resilience and adaptability. Moving from one duty station to another brings not only a change in surroundings but also a shift in studio space, access to materials and artistic routine.
Catching up with Atalante Shay
Wow, I can't believe it is time for my anniversary interview with the MilspoFAN blog, and so much has happened in just a year! Since my last post, I have landed an art teaching gig as a guest artist for the Anne Arundel Public Schools Art Magnet program- Apex Arts. But it was totally by accident …
An Interview with Katie Meuse
Artist/Yogi/mil-spouse Katie Meuse encourages us to make and find joy through art. Keep our eyes and minds open to the who, what and where because, through those mediums, we can discover our passions.
Catching up with EB Hawks
Every New Year in lieu of resolutions, I choose a word of intention to use as a theme. In 2020 I chose the word vision. I've dreamt for a long time of starting my own art business and quitting my "real job," but the time never seemed right. Frankly, I was also stymied by fear and self-doubt. Not long ago, my best friend told me she refused to live and make decisions based on fear any longer. It was the inspiration I needed to finally truly focus on my vision. So, you could say since my last MilSpoFAN feature, I've become a serious ARTrepreneur.