Connecting military spouses in the arts with each other and their communities
Military Spouse Fine Artists Network (MilspoFAN) is empowering military spouses in the fine arts - including dance, visual arts, fiction, theater, poetry, multimedia art, and more - to promote their work, tell their stories, and grow their artistic networks. The MilspoFAN blog started in 2016 and is run by a group of dedicated volunteers.
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Catching up with Matt Valverde
Thanks for having me back on Milspofan, it's nice to say hi again. Things have been quite frenetic for us over the summer. My wife Sylvia received orders to RAF Lakenheath in England and that required us to spend a couple of months living out of our suitcases on the road. We are finally settled down in the lovely town of Newmarket, UK and things are starting to get back to normal…
An Interview with Tracy Beagan
I discovered Surface Pattern Design as a major while I was there, and knew that was what I was meant to do… I never imagined myself as a military spouse. I had always dreamt of working as a designer in NYC… I met my now husband at a friend’s wedding while I was working in New York. He knew the groom from the Naval Academy, and I played field hockey with the bride at Syracuse. We were both from NY/NJ area. We hit it off right away and the rest is history!
Catching up with Megan Mioduski
My spouse is an airborne linguist, and just before the lockdowns, he was organizing language refreshers for the linguists in his squadron. But then the WHO reported these strange pneumonia cases from Wuhan. People around us started to get sick, and the Chinese linguists began worrying. Unfortunately, I already had a compromised immune system, and in March 2020, I got sick. Real sick.
Catching up with Maria Bennett Hock
It has been a while since I have been featured on Military Spouse Fine Art Network and I have been busy! My most recent showing was at the Salmagundi Club in New York City. I was accepted as an official Coast Guard Artist for their COGAP program…
An Interview with Kaitlyn Lake
Connected to the Air Force since birth, military kid turned military spouse Kaitlyn Lake shares a bit of her life through functional and artistic pottery. In a life whose landscape is ever changing, it's comforting to feel grounded by the lovely earthen pieces.
Catching up with Christy Tremblay
I've been secretly writing a book since last December, and recently started a Blog on my website to document the progress. My first post - Embrace in Place (Coming Soon) - was just added and I’d love for you to follow and share! I am self publishing and that is in itself an adventure!
Catching up with Kimberly Ratliff
To expand on sharing my mixed family Korean-American experience, I’ve started my next children’s book series for Seoul Finds Her Talent with A Weekend with Halmony.
The Ugly Truth: Catching up with Melissa Hedge
When I decided to start painting professionally, I scoured the internet for information on how to get my work out there and grow my business. I found tons of suggestions, but they didn’t explain the process.
An Interview with Lynessa Layne
As writer/Navy Spouse Lynessa Layne shares, life can certainly lead us into unexpected directions, but those strange paths often take us exactly where we need to be.
Catching up with Kellie Brummerstedt
My art practice continues to change and grow as I get older and develop new insights. With being a professional Dancer and teaching in the Hampton Roads area in Virginia, I am constantly around others who value the performing arts so it makes it easy to stay inspired and create. I am also finding how to integrate my art through other media as well. I am a photographer and have found my niche with dance and production photography.
An Interview with Lee Anne Gallaway-Mitchell
There is always more to learn and explore, especially when life sends us down unexpected journeys. Milspouse/writer/teacher/caregiver Lee Anne Galloway-Mitchell shares how PCSing, parenthood, Covid, and all sorts of life events can sometimes put a project on hold, but can also bring about new creative adventures.
Catching up with Carrie Klewin Lawrence
“How’s that going for you”, you ask? It’s not. Now we’re in Monterey, CA. Three moves in three years. And here I thought all of this moving around was over. I also mistakenly thought that retirement meant that I could get back to, a more full-time focus on my career. Oh boy universe… or Murphy, or whoever you are… the joke is 100% on me.
An Interview with Devon Wigle
Sometimes location and life situation determines the medium along with the inspiration. Artist/mil-spouse Devon Wigle teaches us that when your usual resources and/or conveniences aren't available, you can still make art, just in a different way.
Catching up with MJ the Dragonfly
On this anniversary check-in with MilspoFAN I feel I have fit years of living into the last 12 months. For the last year, my second diagnosis of breast cancer has felt like it was hijacking my artistic endeavors (I don’t recommend it). I had things I wanted to do! However, looking back, the last year has launched my artistic presence like never before.
An Interview with Katie Meuse
Artist/Yogi/mil-spouse Katie Meuse encourages us to make and find joy through art. Keep our eyes and minds open to the who, what and where because, through those mediums, we can discover our passions.
An Interview with Alyssa Ruffin
While we all know how PCSing and not getting to choose where we live can put a damper on our careers, having an art that depends on local support requires a whole extra level of determination and hard work. Singer / Space Force spouse Alyssa Ruffin shares how she's managed to keep the music playing.
Catching up with Amy Jolley
It’s good to be invited back to write a guest post. I’ve experienced much change in my life since I was the featured artist on the Milspo FAN Blog in March of 2021. At the time of the feature, I was sewing like crazy and creating so much for my own enjoyment and for my Etsy Shop. My craft room was full of fabric, thread, and sewing project possibilities. I had also dived back into watercolor painting, and it felt good to be so focused. I loved spending time in my craft room and having time to myself. My husband and I started planning trips, plus projects we both wanted to complete that upcoming summer. Little did I know how much would change in 2022 and my creative projects would come to a temporary halt.
An Interview with Stacy Deny
Oh goodness, no one can truly prepare you for Military life! We’ve been stationed on both coasts, seen things we would’ve normally never gotten a chance to see and shared these experiences with our daughters. The Navy has sent us to Portsmouth, Va, 29 Palms, Ca (this was a greenside stint.), to San Antonio, Tx and now Maryland. To say it’s been a wild ride would be an understatement. In my experience as a military wife, we all know, mental strength is necessary, schedules are constantly changing; everything is the same and yet different, like an odd episode of the Twilight Zone.
Catching up with Sarah Thompson
So much has happened since last year, and I’m very proud of how far I’ve come. One of the pieces pictured in last year’s interview won “Best in Show” at the ODU 2022 Student Juried Exhibition; the award granted me a solo show at the Chrysler Museum Glass Studio in Norfolk, VA. I was also awarded a Windgate University Fellowship at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN. The Fellowship provided room, board, and tuition for a summer workshop. I chose to take a mechanical sculpture class. It seems the more technology advances, the more magical simple machines become.